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Week 6

The week's work in progress. This time with some music!

The video below has been exported with a rough track created by Carla Sayer and Tim du Feu. I’m really happy with it even though it was only a first experiment. We’ve had a chat and I’ve delivered some feedback - we plan to develop this further and I’m looking forward to working together.

Carla also put together a track using a drip sound effect which I think is very evocative. So it may be the case that we try and incorporate both of these ideas; potentially also collaborating with a sound designer

In terms of animation, I’m slightly behind where I wanted to be. I had hoped to be finished this first section (1 of 3) by March. But I think this week I should be able to get it done. Overall I’m not too worried; the 3rd section is by far the shortest, and the middle one in which the hair torments the character will also hopefully be a less technically challenging sequence to animate - at least in terms of backgrounds since I already have my paper edited in a manner I’m pretty pleased with.


Eilidh Nicoll 2024

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