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Week 3.2 Narrative Development

I may have slightly diverged from the ageing theme for now to focus on skin, having mentioned the idea of 'feeling comfortable in your own skin' last week. But I might steer this back towards ageing! Though my setup hasn't changed too much and I've fleshed this out more (pun only slightly intended).

Film opens with series of close-ups to establish that we are in a bathroom post bath or shower. We (might) see:

  • Dripping tap

  • Water draining down the plug hole

  • Pile of clothes on the floor

  • Steamy windows

  • Maybe rogue hairs in the bath

The fixation on these might also set up an expectation of a horror element, which I've been thinking about since Alan mentioned the bathroom being 'the most horrific room in the house' (even if the horrific aspect here is just in the idea of skin). At least, it could evoke isolation - not that the character is necessarily isolated physically, but she feels at a loss and trapped within her own skin.

Then we’re introduced to the woman. She is standing looking in the mirror having just bathed (so she’s not clothed, save for a hair towel and maybe some underwear). I think it's useful to have her just out the bath to make us think 'preening' and also makes the skin theme obvious. She is scrutinising her reflection, we see her looking fed up as she picks at her face, pulling, fiddling and picking. Maybe she pops a spot and some puss splatters on the glass. Might also be good to show inside the cabinet - there could be a host of lotions and potions with dumb labels like ‘zit zapper’ or ‘pores be gone’… I guess getting at the idea we’re told that natural bodily features should be shameful & we should buy into their erasure.

We cut to a shot where we see her full body in a second mirror and the discomfort in her skin ramps up, she's pulling at herself in mild disgust and scratching at her skin... getting ever more obsessive.

Until: the room around her warps and the tiled floor makes way (maybe a shift gravity, floating up). OR I also had the idea of the mirror turning into a portal which sucks her in. It would be fun to show a vortex type thing that unravels the toilet paper for example, as she clings to the sink trying not to be sucked in.

... either way, she is thrust into a new plane and lands with a slight splat and bounce on the cushiony surface below; we're now in the 'skin world', where everything has taken on a papery, skin-like texture.

This new environment is characterised by the papery texture to represent skin.

It's surface is covered in marks and little holes; imperfections.

Spots become angry volcanoes (threatening to erupt puss) and there are weird, undulating hills - like rolls of fat. Wrinkles are like little valleys there are strange bodily features dotted about, like 'pools of eye.'

The character will traverse this landscape and explore its strange textures... I'm not sure what exactly might happen, but it could become apparent that she now finds herself on basically a planet-sized her.

The character falls back out of the mirror onto the bathroom floor. Dumbfounded, she scrambles to her feet and looks at her reflection, puzzled. With a final look of contentment, she leaves the bathroom, and as the door shuts, the screen cuts to black.


Eilidh Nicoll 2024

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