After a lot of stalling and wondering what I should do, I finally have a client! Before I'd been keen to work on the 'Focus on Scotland' project or with the Bethany trust; but neither client came through with a pitch - which I guess is a good lesson about the pitfalls of trying to find work anyway. I figured it was about time to find something else and Nichola suggested a brief from last year; a project about Eduardo Paolozzi from Carlo Pirozzi, a teaching fellow at the uni in the Italian department. Carlo's work has a focus in Italian migration to Scotland and he wrote 'Paolozzi at Large in Edinburgh', a book comprised of writings on Paolozzi's life and work in Edinburgh, collections of stories by those who knew Paolozzi and poems by Christine DeLuca as well as artworks in response to Paolozzi.
I'm already a big fan of Paolozzi's work; having grown up around it when I lived in Edinburgh until I was about 6; I remember playing on the big foot, outside John Lewis at the time. It's funny that one of the poems and short story speak to my experience. I've seen various exhibits since; it's astonishing how frequently you come across his work all over the UK. It wasn't until a couple of years ago I was aware of who he was; but now I see his stuff everywhere.
The project asks for an animation in response to Paolozzi's work; or one of DeLuca's poems. It seems fairly broad, but will likely be used as an addition to an online map that showcases the locations of Paolozzi's work in Edinburgh and information about them (these link to various recordings of poem's and accounts of Paolozzi's life).
