Having been asked to come up with some subjects for a documentary that I'd like to see made or make myself, I began to think about areas which interest me. A lot of my thoughts related to personal interpretation of experiences and events, particularly the idea of synesthesia. I feel that it would be interesting to gather accounts of people's relationships with (and between) sounds, shapes, colours, numbers etc. and this could make for an interesting, very visual film.
BUT, I've since realised that there's perhaps not such a gap in the market for films about synesthesia as I'd thought.
Having discussed ideas among the others, we divided ourselves into groups; I was keen to work with Robbie from the offset as the I feel a documentary about Misophonia would spark an important talking point and is related to my interest in synesthesia; it could provide a fantastic opportunity to combine interesting imagery with sound to evoke or attempt to recreate a very individual sensory experience.
Additionally, Gisela's period poverty idea really excited me, this is an issue that has only recently been discussed in the public eye but its importance has caused a stir - I think it's a problem facing society that needs more attention, particularly to tackle the stigma and embarrassment around periods.
At this stage, we're unsure of which topic to pick - personally, I'm very interested in both and think that it's important they are discussed. While I think that period poverty is the more 'weighty' and topical subject, I feel that it's already subject to a lot of coverage, while Misophonia is somewhat unknown. Additionally, Misophonia might allow a more interesting use of visuals as we attempt to illustrate the primarily auditory condition.