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1: Ideas

To begin with, I considered several ideas...

The first centred around the two characters struggling with temptation to find out what's on the other side of the door separating them.

This evolved into a story centred around the passing of time; one character being anxious, waiting, but experiencing time excruciatingly slowly. The other is lazy, not worried about filling the time and so the minutes fly by.

I then began to consider how this could be translated into actions. One character became a 'tortured artist' type; scribbling away as he works at his desk. This would be juxtaposed with imagery of his counterpart asleep at his desk, accomplishing nothing. The hard working character would become infuriated with his work and start to swing on his chair... eventually falling with a crash and alerting the lazy guy, who would knock on the door. For this, I constructed an animatic:

This idea however, was discarded when I realised I might not be able to execute it as planned due to the limitations of the armature (holding a pen and scrunching paper being the main obstacles, as well as making convincing props).

I adapted this narrative to have the stop motion armature portraying a painter; he would become lost in an artistic frenzy as the cgi man dozes in an armchair.

The artist takes a step back to study his work and, as before, is unsatisfied. He picks up the canvas and hurls it across the room... waking cgi man who, in his curiosity, goes tp knock on the door. The element of infatuation with the door comes into play here too, as the final shot of the film will reveal that the artist has been painting the door all along.


Eilidh Nicoll 2024

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