Initially unsure of how the characters would move, I've found that when I began to animate, the characteristics have come through fairly naturally. The big monster moves with a heavy sluggish-ness - exacerbated by his large, soft looking body.
I'm happy with how I've been able to convey a vague three-dimensionality (which I found quite difficult due to the complexity of his head) and I think this lends itself to a more believable movement and provides an interesting contrast to the flat, graphic lines.
The smaller character is probably more conventional looking, so his movements were a bit easier to get my head round; but his actions are more complicated as he does a lot more moving around. His walk (from both angles) took a couple of attempts to get the 'sway' I was going for - hopefully it conveys a bounciness and some sort of carefree attitude to add to his appeal as well as provide a contrast between the two characters.