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6. Storyboarding

I've expanded on the storyboards included in my pitch, and drawn a new end-sequence.

I think having these parts more rigidly planned and leaving some of the more abstract mid-section to spontaneity will be beneficial to the animation and production!

From here, we enter the world of her imagination and worst fears of age-related change; portrayed through the more handmade paper with looser, more abstract movement. Also drawing on horror elements.


And the final sequence - after the climactic dream-like sequence where the woman transforms into the older her (based on her worries); she comes back to reality, left shaken and with a niggling feeling that all's not as it was.

The old lady in the reflection will offer a knowing smile - comforting and at odds with the horrific portrayal of ageing previously shown (she also looks soft and not too dissimilar to the protagonist; rather than bony or creepy). Suggesting that everything will (probably) be alright in the end.


Eilidh Nicoll 2024

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