Playing around with ideas for landscape using paper textures and negative space/ opacity. Not sure if this will have much relevance to the film. But I quite like how it looks. Mike suggested trying out the textures and silhouettes with a multiplane setup, which I can give a go when I've got some paper at my disposal (I need to get my hand on a few bits and bobs before I can start churning it out).
Again, potentially not of much relevance, but I like these trees I drew and the contrast of the linework with the more rendered moon. I've tried paring this with the paper textures. Not sure if I'm onto something, but I do think the composition is quite evocative. I can picture a little character sitting on the edge staring up at the moon (I don't know in what situation that might happen in my film.)
Playing around with the bathroom from different ideas. I like the weird angles and distortion with the slightly abstracted perspective. It's fun to create these sort of liminal spaces and they'd work well tonally with my ideas. I'm also a fan of a boil and I think it could add to the weirdness:

^These separate images come together (accidentally) to make this warped perspective which I'm enjoying. I think I'll push this more!